As international human rights organisations, we write to express our profound concern about the recent developments in Guatemala that could gravely impact the human rights situation and rule of law in the country. We remain alarmed by the possible passage of the proposed amendment to the National Reconciliation Law or “Amnesty Law” (N.5377) by the Guatemalan Congress and the serious consequences it would have on peace and stability in the region. Equally distressing is the upcoming threat faced by Civil Society Organisations in exercising their rights in light of proposed amendments to the Law on Non-Governmental NGOs for Development (N.5257). Finally, we are also worried about the Guatemalan Government’s insistence to terminate the mandate of the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) before September 2019 and to obstruct its work in various forms. Given this context, it is in the interest of the EU and its Member States, as well as the international community at large, to ensure that the Guatemalan authorities respect the rule of law, and to firmly support the efforts of the Guatemalan people in tackling corruption and impunity.
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