The mission took place between 21 and 26 November 2013 was composed of 11 personalities and representatives of international human rights organizations and civil society, including CIFCA, experiences and work in different areas whose added value was to supplement and facilitate various themes to observe and conclusions and recommendations

The Mission tasks to monitor, verify and monitor the electoral process, and influence in state and non-state in preventing political violence and human rights violations during the process entities

The specific objectives of the mission were: 1) Document and seek justice for violations of human rights committed in the framework of the electoral process. 2) Identify whether there is a pattern of attacks against a political force in particular. 3) Identify the guarantees or difficulty election day, counting the penalty for violations of human rights and preventing voter fraud

You can see the report in Spanish here:

Informe Mision de Observacion a Derechos Humanos 2013.pdf

And the EU report in Spanish here:

Final report eueom honduras 2013 es.pdf