What is the Spotlight Initiative?
The Spotlight Initiative [1], is a global, multi-year partnership between the European Union and the United Nations to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls by 2030.
The initiative focuses on domestic and family violence, sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, femicide, trafficking in human beings and sexual and economic (labour) exploitation.
The program was launched with a seed fund of 500 million Euros from the European Union, and carries out specific, large-scale investments in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America and the Pacific. The program seeks the involvement and participation of governments, groups fighting for the rights of women and civil society.
The interventions focus on six mutually-reinforcing programming pillars: (a) Laws and Policies, (b) Institutions, (c) Prevention, (d) Services, (e) Data, and (f) Women’s Movements.
Which Latin American countries are implementing the program?
In Latin America, the initiative focuses on eradicating violence against women. There is a regional Latin America program, and national programs are also being implemented in Argentina, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico.
How much money is there for Latin America?
55 million Euros have been allocated to Latin America (Spotlight, 2021).
In Argentina, the budget assigned for the first phase of implementation (2019-2020) is 5,400,000 USD, while an additional 30% is expected for the second phase, depending on the preliminary results (UN Women, 2018) [2]; Multi-Partner Trust Office, 2021 [3]).
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[1] For further information on the program see: https://spotlightinitiative.org/
In Ecuador, the approved budget is 2,900,000 USD [4].
In El Salvador, the approved budget is 7,200,000 USD [5].
In Guatemala, the approved budget is 5,400,000 USD [6].
In Honduras, the total contribution of EU and Un agency investment for Phase I (2019-2020) and Phase II
(2021-2022) is 11,008,865 USD (Multi-Partner Trust Office, 2021) [7].
In Mexico, the approved budget is 6,300,000 USD [8].
Currently open for expressions of interest – Women’s funds for local and grassroots women’s organisations who work to end violence against women and girls (Spotlight Initiative Secretariat) [9].
Multi-Partner Trust Office (2021) https://mptf.undp.org/
Spotlight Initiative (2021) https://spotlightinitiative.org/
UN Women (2018)
“This document has been produced and edited thanks to the support of AGIR ensemble pour le droits humains and the financial support of AFD. The ideas and opinions expressed in this document are exclusively the responsibility of the organisations who have produced it and do not necessarily reflect the ideas and opinions of AFD”.
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[2] Ar ticle published by UN Women in 2018. See complete article at:
h t t p s : / / w w w . u n w o m e n . o r g / e n / w h a t – w e – d o / e n d i n g – v i o l e n c e – a g a i n s t – w o m e n / s p o t l i g h t – i n i t i a t i v e [3] For further details see: h t t p : / / m p t f . u n d p . o r g / f a c t s h e e t / c o u n t r y / A R G
[4] For further details see: h t t p : / / m p t f . u n d p . o r g / f a c t s h e e t / c o u n t r y / E C U
[5] For further details see: h t t p : / / m p t f . u n d p . o r g / f a c t s h e e t / c o u n t r y / S L V
[6] For further details see: h t t p : / / m p t f . u n d p . o r g / f a c t s h e e t / c o u n t r y / G T M
[7] For further details see: h t t p : / / m p t f . u n d p . o r g / f a c t s h e e t / p r o j e c t / 0 0 1 1 2 2 8 4
[8] For further details see: h t t p : / / m p t f . u n d p . o r g / f a c t s h e e t / c o u n t r y / M E X
[ 9] For further details see: h t t p s : / / d r i v e . g o o g l e . c o m / f i l e / d / 1 9 5 v r L o r L l n 1 i K I R a C Q N G q E i S R – 5 P 0 j R D / v i e w