Next Tuesday 8th December at 5pm (CET), we are co-hosting a webinar with representatives from the Honduran civil society.
They will provide us with valuable information and first-hand testimony of the situation in the country and the serious human rights violations taking place there, often linked to the practices of European private companies.
This webinar, co-hosted by Members from the S&D, Greens/EFA, and GUE/NGL, the EU LAT Network and Friends of the Earth Europe, comes at a key moment ahead of the expected presentation of new legislation on due diligence in the first trimester of 2021. Cases like those of the Garifuna people, who the Honduran state has targeted for opposing the confiscation of their lands for agribusiness and tourism, provide a clear example for the need of such EU legislation. We will also hear testimonies from representatives of the 2020 Sakharov Prize finalists, Berta Cáceres daughter, and the Guapinol activists, who are fighting to protect their land and natural resources against corporate interests.
- Juan Almendárez (Executive Director of Movimiento Tierra Madre – Friends of the Earth Honduras)
- Miriam Miranda (General Director of OFRANEH – Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña)
- Berta Zúñiga Cáceres (General Coordinator of the Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras)
- Gabriela Sorto(Member of the Guapinol Community)
To participate, please register at this link