The webinar, held last Thursday, April 28th, aimed to present a theoretical and practical overview of the work of European civil society and the impact of the network on EU-Latin American relations.
During the webinar, discussions were held on: the work of Human Rights defenders, in particular those defending women’s rights in Latin America; the new legislative proposals underway that may have a great impact on relations between the EU and Latin America; the new EU legislative proposal on Due Diligence. Employing case studies as examples, we examined in depth the work of the EU Lat network and the key role of civil society as a promoter of human rights, law, and democracy.
The webinar was attended by:
Gerard Karlshausen: Membre du Eu-Lat Network.
Stéphane Compère: Chargé Amérique latine et Caraïbes – CNCD-11.11.11
Santiago Fischer: Coordinateur du plaidoyer et de la recherche chez WSM (We Social Movements )
Marta Ibero: Secretaria Ejecutiva de EULAT network.
If you missed it, we invite you to watch the video registration of the webinar through this link